Want to add another stream of income or make voice over a full-time career, but don’t know how to launch your journey?
Don’t worry. I’m here for you and in my 2-hour live online masterclass VOICE OVER LAUNCHPAD, you will learn —
If you have the talent and passion, I have the experience and expertise to coach you… give you the knowledge, skills and tools to become a VOICE OVER STAR!
This is your big opportunity! Become a voice over artist and start a side hustle to create a secondary source of income. You may even make VO a full-time career (yup, it can be that lucrative).
Sign up now to be trained by acclaimed voiceover artist and coach, Paran Thakur. Join us for a comprehensive understanding of the voiceover industry and to learn all you need to launch yourself as a voice over!
Date: Sunday, 19th January 2025
Time: 11 AM - 1 PM
Location: Zoom (pls make sure to download it!)
NOTE: Limited seats per masterclass. Hurry before all spots are booked!
- 2 Hours of Live Masterclass
- 30 Minutes Q&A included
- Voice Over Launchpad E-Book for all participants
- Unbelievable ENERGY, LEARNING & FUN!
Module 1: Introduction to Voice Over - Understanding Genres, Opportunities and Why Choose Voice Over as a Career
Module 2: Script Analysis & Performance
Module 3: Recording Setup 101 - How to create your Home recording with Affordable Acoustic Treatment, Advice on Your First Microphone and DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)
Module 4: Demo Reel - How to and Best Practices
Module 5: Finding & Getting Work - Marketing & Strategy for Launching Yourself on Global Online Platforms
We want to give you a very personalized and interactive experience; hence there are limited seats per masterclass. Sign up NOW before all spots are booked!
Paran Thakur is a prominent voice over artist and vocal coach. He embarked on his career as a Radio Jockey (RJ) in the mid-1990s, initially working with All India Radio FM. For the next 2 decades, he was a popular on-air personality with leading radio stations in Delhi and Dubai.
In 2016, Paran made a pivotal shift, dedicating himself full-time into voiceover work. This move proved highly successful and today, he collaborates with prestigious companies and brands, leaving an indelible mark with his distinctive voice.
Driven by an unwavering passion for the art of voice, Paran's journey continues with the inception of Paravox Academy. The mission is to guide and empower individuals—whether aspiring voice-over artists or those seeking to unlock the potential of their vocal instrument—to discover and harness the true essence of their voices.
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